About two months ago I posted that Elias was diagnosed with congenital motor nystagmus, which means his eyes shake. We have since gone to a few different appointments and have learned more about it. Basically his eyes involuntary shake. He doesn't know they are shaking or perceive shaking, it just makes everything a bit blurry.
Two weeks ago the Doctor examined his eyes, his vision is not quite as good as most babies, but it's not horrible either, She said that in a year glasses would probably help to him. We are very happy to know that there is nothing structurally abnormal with his eyes, which is common for people with nystagmus.
He naturally makes the best of nystagmus:
We also think we have found his neutral position, which is the position where he sees most clearly: head to the left, eyes to the right. It is a bit marked, but I think it makes him even cuter;) The Dr. said we would likely want to do a surgery reconnecting the eye muscles so that his neutral position would be straight ahead before he starts school. I could see the surgery being necessary before he starts driving for sure.
It is likely that even with glasses he won't see 20/20, but we will pray for the best.
You will notice in many of the pictures that I post that he often holds his head in his neutral position so that he can see better.