Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy resurrection Sunday!

Easter has always been my favorite! At the church I grew up in, the day was a HUGE celebration, as it should be. EASTER IS what it's all about.

A poem from the traditional Easter song:

1 Christ the Lord is risen today,
Earth and heaven in chorus say,
Raise your joys and triumphs high,
Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply,

2. Love's redeeming work is done,
Fought the fight, the battle won,
Death in vain forbids him rise,
Christ has opened paradise,

3. Lives again our glorious King,
Where, O death, is now thy sting?
Once he died our souls to save,
Where's thy victory, boasting grave?

4. Soar we now where Christ has led,
Following our exalted Head,
Made like him, like him we rise,
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies,

5. Hail the Lord of earth and heaven,
Praise to thee by both be given,
Thee we greet triumphant now,
Hail the Resurrection, thou,

6. King of glory, soul of bliss,
Everlasting life is this,
Thee to know, thy power to prove,
Thus to sing, and thus to love, Alleluia!

A few Easter pictures!

Going to Church to celebrate!
Great-Grandpa feeding Eli pudding!
It was soooo good, he cried when it was all gone.
our gracious, generous family dinner hosts!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mommy's NOT Ready

Today was the long awaited first haircut. I didn't want to do it, but I kept tying his hair into his bib because his hair was really long, in his eyes, and getting rats nests in it.

I didn't want anyone I knew to cut it because I assumed he would look different and too old, so no matter what I wouldn't like the haircut, and didn't want them to take it personally. So we drove to a very cute and fun kid's haircut place in Lake Oswego.

Notice how he shakes his head yes, when she asks if he wants more bubbles...genius!

Eli got a red balloon! And a certificate ;)

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Farm

We always love visiting the farm. AKA visiting my family. The are the most wonderful people, and love us very much. We were at the farm for a quick visit to celebrate Auntie Shanda's baby shower, and try and see some sunshine. We succeeded with both.

Time for a haircut!
Mom and dad are doing a little remodel. It was fun to see it in process.

We also managed to sneak in a visit to great grandpa at the retirement home. Elias missed his walker, so he was resourceful and borrowed one.

Grandpa seeing that it is time for wii bowling with his wii bowling team.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The walker

There is a one and a half year-old girl who lives across the street named Hailey. We rarely see her because we live in Portland and due to the rain, we only go outside in the summertime (yes, I'm sick of the rain). The other day we happened to be loading the car when they came home, and stopped by to say hi. They asked if Eli was walking yet, and offered to lend us Hailey's walker. I knew Elias would love it!
The first day, he crawled/pushed it, the second day he walked, but was quite wobbly, and the third day, he cruised like a pro. This clip shows footage of the first day followed by today, the 7th day. He started grunting suspiciously in the middle of it, which called for a sudden costume change.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stair Master

With the help of our neighbor Annabelle, Elias has discovered the stairs. She came over and gloated her new skills! Elias who is 6 weeks younger follows her lead, and is careful not to let her outdo him. As Elias climbs the stairs, he squeals with excitement, its amazingly fun and cute.

The prize at the top of the stairs, a pill container rattle.

dad, what did you do? I cant climb the stairs by myself now! (we found it necessary to put up the baby gate shortly after the stairs lesson)

NEXT UP: lessons in going DOWN the stairs, we don't have that one mastered yet.